Grooving Tools:
The Kyocera GBA Grooving System has a 3 cutting edge triangular insert with a holder that gives more rigid clamping than a top notch or other systems for better tool life and finishes in grooving and turning applications. The GBA32 and GBF32 Series is great for Swiss machines or lathes that run small parts as it is available from .0098" to .118" width with many options available for the ideal selection for your application. The GBA43 series is for your larger parts on CNC lathes as it is available from .031" to .188" width, it will match up exactly to the dimensions of a higher grade insert but with the extra cutting edge and more rigid holding to extend tool life. To shop our selection of Kyocera's GBA Grooving Series, click
here. For technical data, click

The Kyocera KGD can be used for both grooving as well as cutoff (the GM chipbreaker is for grooving and face turning; the PM chipbreaker is for cutoff). Available in 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm and 8mm widths. This system has less insert with options than the GBA series but is extremely rigid that can do deeper grooves with more versatility. The system works straight on or at 90° in almost any lathe application. Holders for the Swiss as well as lathes are available for this system. The KGD will extend insert life and give excellent finishes. To shop our selection of Kyocera KGD Grooving Tools, click
here. For technical data, click

The Kyocera SIGE starts at .313" Min Bore to allow for rigid internal grooving and turning applications with a 2 cutting edge insert. This is coolant thru and available in steel or carbide bars for better rigidity. The SIGE is an excellent internal grooving bar for small bores. To shop our selection of Kyocera SIGE Internal Grooving Tools, click
here. For technical data, click
The Kyocera KGDI is available at .709" Min Bore and up with .177", .236", .276", .315", .335" and .433" groove depth of cuts giving you deep grooving capabilities with a double sided insert. This is available in 2mm, 3mm, 4mm and 5mm width at up to 1.250" shank. The KGDI gives excellent ship control, is coolant thru and extremely rigid. This system will increase insert life and part finishes in deep internal grooving applications. To shop our selection of Kyocera KGDI Grooving Tools, click
here. For technical data, click
The Carmex Mini Tools allow you to get down to a .370" Min Bore groove and also offers threading, chamfering, back turning, profiling, facing and face grooving inserts that fits into the same holder. The holders are available in steel or carbide to give better rigidity. This system is excellent for Bores that are above 5/16" diameter and extremely versatile! To shop our selection of Carmex Mini Tools, click
here. For technical data, click
The Carmex Tiny Tool System has internal and external single point face grooving for shallow and deep face grooving. These tools are offered with coolant thru capabilities. To shop our selection of Carmex Tiny Tools, click
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Kyocera's KTKF series is an excellent backturning system for the Swiss machines. All of the inserts are directly on centerline for easy setup and Kyocera offers their GP and GTP 3D chipbreaker series for the best chip control as well as a standard sharp edge backturning insert. They are available in .002", .004" and .006" radius with 12mm or 16mm depth of cut. The KTKF system also holds cutoff, grooving and threading inserts. The inserts can also be removed from either side of the holder, which allows for insert changes without removing the holder from the machine! To shop our selection of KTKF tooling, click here. For technical data, click here.